Patient care cut back because of 60% Doctor Shortages at Waikato Hospital
August 26, 2024
The number of medical registrars was down to 40% of normal at Waikato Hospital this past weekend asdoctor shortages continue to hit the region. “Medical registrars are the doctors who care for patientssuffering heart attacks, pneumonia, strokes, diabetes and other medical conditions” said Dr DeborahPowell, National Secretary of the NZ Resident Doctors Association (NZRDA), the union representing thedoctors. “This 3-month period we have half the number of medical registrars we need to staff thehospital, but things are getting worse with this last weekend down to 40% and next weekend lookingequally if not more bleak.”
“The doctors are burning out” said Dr Powell “they are also susceptible to winter illnesses exacerbatingan already dire situation. Waikato has no answer to the situation other then to reduce the care patientswould normally get from their doctors.” One area service has been reduced is for surgical patients whoin addition to their surgical condition have a medical problem. “It is normal for the medical registrars toassist medical management of surgical patients” said Dr Powell, “but this service has had to be withdrawnsimply because we don’t have enough doctors to do the work.”
NZRDA has been working with Te Whatu Ora on a raft of initiatives to address the loss of doctors fromour public health system however this productive work has all but stopped whilst management redirecttheir focus to budgets. “For all the rhetoric about strengthening front line care, the fact is that bothpatient care and the workforce we need to provide that care are suffering and the situation is gettingworse.” said Dr Powell. “We have options, we can strengthen our workforces” Dr Powell continued “butTe Whatu Ora needs to support us to do so which currently is not happening”.
Dr Deborah Powell is available for comment on 021 614 040 or secretary@nzrda.org.nz