Cross Cover
Cross cover outside ordinary hours is prohibited under the collective agreement.
Please report instances of cross cover to us at the link above, and read on for more information about what cross cover is, and what to do about it when it occurs.
About Cross Cover
Cross cover outside ordinary hours occurs when one of the RMOs rostered on outside ordinary hours is absent and another RMO already rostered on duty is asked to cover both duties.
The collective agreement provides that: where an RMO is absent from a roster for any reason outside ordinary hours Monday through Friday, the employer must provide cover from an at-least equivalent replacement suitably qualified medical practitioner. This means absences from the roster for evenings, nights, public holidays and weekends must be covered in a like-for-like manner. For example, an RMO on duty must be replaced by an at least equivalent suitably qualified medical practitioner on duty, and not in any circumstances be left to the remaining RMOs rostered on during the period to cover the absent employee’s duties in addition to their own.
Because RMO staffing outside the ordinary hours is at a minimum. Normally, cross cover is only allowed if the RMO feels clinically competent to cover the duties of another, and this is during the ordinary hours when significant numbers of other staff are available to assist. Outside ordinary hours we are already on minimum staffing. Asking an RMO to do more is unacceptable. If one person is absent a locum or reliever must be supplied.
When you’re not rostered on duty but have been asked to do additional work outside ordinary hours (as a result of a vacancy), a minimum of additional duty payments apply. Additional Duties are also voluntary. The additional duty payments described in the contract are the minimum payments that apply.
If you are asked to perform a weekend duty as an emergency (i.e. not as part of your roster), you are entitled to time in lieu in addition to any payment made.
Performing cross cover has medico-legal consequences. If you do not feel safe to perform the duties you must decline, regardless of what money is on offer.
Next Steps
Not sure what to do after you have been asked to cross cover? This resource will help you figure out your next steps.