Dr. Deborah Powell

National Secretary

Deborah holds the overall management responsibility for the office with a particular interest in Collective Employment Negotiations and Personal Grievances. She represents health practitioners in claim situations with both employers and individuals. She holds a BSc from Victoria University and a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery from University of Auckland.

Dr. James Anderson


Kia ora,

This is my third year working as the President of the NZRDA, before that I was the Vice President and before that the executive representative for the Southern Region.
I am an advanced training Paediatric registrar based in the Wellington region and although Scottish am now a citizen of Aotearoa New Zealand.

I have a strong passion for advocating of the rights of my patients and colleagues. I believe strongly that we should leave things better for those that come after us than how we inherited them. I believe that a strong union is the most effective way we can achieve this for workers in healthcare, that the NZRDA is how we make our voices heard in a meaningful way and how we can begin to address the imbalance of power between the employer and employee.

I am approachable and happy to work through union and workplace related challenges, feel free to reach out either in person or through the NZRDA office.

Ngā Mihi,

Dr. James Anderson

Dr. Alex Hedley

Vice President

Tēnā tātou katoa
Ko Alex Hedley tōku ingoa
Nō Ahuriri ahau
Ko Ngāti Porou tōku iwi.

I am a Public Health Medicine Trainee. Before committing to a career in Public Health, I worked as a Registrar in General Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology. I joined the RDA as a trainee intern and have been actively participating in our union movement since then, serving as a regional delegate, national executive member, and now as the Vice President. I have been involved in member advocacy, support, and SECA enforcement and negotiation. I have also always been a strong supporter of the union movement and the rights of employees in all industries. I look forward to continuing this work representing members from centres across New Zealand. Feel free to contact me if you have any specific issues or concerns to discuss.

Dr. Bill Lu

Executive Treasurer & Secretary

Bill is a PYG5 based in Dunedin hospital training in psychiatry. Initially trained as a pharmacist, Bill spent a few years with the NZDF prior to attending medical school in Dunedin. He is interested in organisational governance with a number of board memberships within both private and public sectors. Bill has a 14 years old black lab named Bungy and enjoys working and running in his spare time.

Dr. Rex Liao

Community Representative

Kia ora!

My name's Rex and after spending the last three years at Waikato Hospital, I will be commencing GPEP1 in 2024 in the same region.

I have been a delegate ever since the beginning of my tenure as a RMO as I have been passionate about advocating for my peers and working towards safer working conditions for RMOs as a whole.

I am proud to now represent my colleagues working in the community as I embark on training. I hope to continue to build on the work laid down by my predecessors with the NZRDA.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns!

Dr. Kate Saunders

Peripheral Region

Dr. Sophia Dean

Southern Region

Dr. Michael Peebles

Auckland Region

Kia Ora, I’m Mike - a 3rd year RANZCOG trainee, based in the Auckland region, and I’m one of the Auckland representatives on the RDA National Executive.

As doctors, we do a fantastic job of providing amazing care for our patients, but often at the expense of caring for ourselves. As such, I am incredibly passionate about the advocacy the RDA provides on reducing fatigue, allowing access to leave, and providing safer working conditions for doctors. I strongly agree with the RDA’s ethos to leave the medical workforce in a better state than we found it, rather than letting old expectations continue in perpetuity. If you ever have any issues, I'm always happy to be approached, and to give a hand, or just to be a friendly face to talk to.

Dr. Rosa Tobin-Stickings

Auckland Region

Kia ora,

My name is Rosa and I’m an advanced trainee in Emergency Medicine currently based in the Auckland region (previously based in beautiful Dunedin).

I have always had a keen interest in our working conditions, even reading our contract prior to gaining entry to medical school! I joined the RDA as a TI and became a delegate as a house officer. I have represented the southern region on the executive and am currently representing the Auckland region. In this role I have helped to improve rosters, advocated for individual members, and have been involved in contract bargaining.

I am passionate about improving our working conditions and believe we are stronger when we stand together.

Feel free to come and find me at work or message me if you have any union-related queries!

Dr .Visharn Sathiyakumar

Waikato Region


My name is Visharn and I am a Radiation Oncology trainee based at Waikato Hospital.

"The greatest act we can do is to give ourselves for the benefit of others." This has always been one of the main principles of my life from a young age. Hence, once I became an RMO, I found a strong passion for helping those in need and supporting those in difficult positions, which brought me to the NZRDA.

As RMOs we sacrifice ourselves for others on a daily basis, therefore it is imperative that we work collectively to stand for ourselves, leave things better for future generations and have a voice to speak. The NZRDA is how we do that and that is why I am proud to be the Waikato Representative.

If you have any concerns, want to learn more or just want a chat, always feel free to get in touch.

Dr. Maggie Lin

Auckland Region

I’m Maggie, a House Officer and a basic trainee in Medicine based in Auckland. I’ve been an RDA delegate since PGY1.

I first got into the RDA as they helped me navigate through some of the issues around leave as a new graduate. This allowed me to experience the power of a union and made me realise that I wanted to be part of the team striving for great good of all doctors. Our workforce are working in very challenging situations and are very prone to burnout and stress, so I am all for achieving safer hours, fair distribution of resources, health and wellbeing of other fellow colleagues. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

Dr. Kerry Appleton

Wellington Region

My name is Kerry Appleton and I am a surgical registrar at Wellington Hospital. I have been the Wellington Representative on the National Executive since 2022 and am also part of the 2024 bargaining team.

I am passionate about making sure our RMOs are educated about their terms and conditions and advocating to ensure these are complied with. Through my role with the RDA, I am committed to making sure that we leave our workforce in a better state than we found it.

I’m always happy to be contacted with questions or concerns from members so feel free to get in touch!

Dr. James Simpson

Central Region

Kia Ora!

My name is James Simpson, and I am currently a PGY4 Paediatrics SHO based in Palmerston North Hospital. I grew up in Wellington and did my medical school years in Otago and later Wellington clinic school. My passion for improving working conditions for RMOs was ignited whilst working as a house officer in Whanganui Hospital, inspiring me to become a delegate. I am now on the national executive for the central region, representing Taranaki, Whanganui, Palmerston North, and Hawke's Bay hospitals. I believe in and have seen first hand the gains we can make through collective action.
Feel free to reach out if you need help/advice on anything SECA/workplace related, or just want a chat!

Dr. Savannah Adams

Canterbury, South Canterbury & West Coast Region

Kia ora e te whānau,

I’m currently based in Ōtautahi as the Canterbury Representative but also look after South Canterbury, the West Coast and Nelson regions. Te Waipounamu is a region dear to my heart having grown up and had many adventures here.
I’m currently in my third year of work and am based in ED but am chasing a dream to work in orthopaedics. I became involved with RDA to ensure RMOs have a voice at the hypothetical table where the future of our public healthcare system is determined. The prioritisation of RMO well-being benefits not just RMOs themselves but also anyone and everyone else who engages with our health system.

National Executive


All members of the National Executive are delegates and many have participated in MECA bargaining in the past. It is a requirement of the NZRDA rules that all National Executive members be elected in accordance with the correct processes.

You can read the union rules here.

You can view the profiles of our current National Executive members below.

Your current President is Dr James Anderson. James is originally from Scotland but moved to New Zealand in 2016. He is currently working and training as a Paediatric Registrar in Dunedin Hospital. He is passionate about supporting doctors in achieving safe working conditions, hours and a decent work-life balance. You can read his personal journey here.

The National Executive is composed of your President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and Regional Representatives.

Main Functions

The National Executive’s main functions are:
– to manage the overall direction of the NZRDA’s activities throughout the year;
– to promote the objectives of NZRDA;
– to ensure implementation of any decisions made at an AGM and any National Membership Meetings;
– to hold other structures, bodies and officers of NZRDA accountable for their functioning;
– to resolve disputes or problems encountered between NZRDA members or bodies;
– to ensure that there is sound financial policy, including safeguarding any assets of NZRDA and managing its business (including investments);
– to ensure NZRDA’s compliance with its own rules and the law.

The National Executive is primarily charged with the responsibility of running the RDA between AGMs and acts upon input from members after being channelled through workplace representatives – your delegates.


The National Executive is primarily charged with the responsibility of running the RDA between AGMs and acts upon input from members after being channelled through workplace representatives – your delegates. The National Executive is in essence the RDA’s ‘board of directors’. The National Executive provides leadership and works to ensure accountability processes are adhered to.

The National Executive come together to meet formally at least three times a year in addition to the AGM and at any other times it sees fit to discuss both current and future issues.

Meet your National Executive

Dr. Deborah Powell

National Secretary

Dr. James Anderson


Dr. Alex Hedley

Vice President

Dr. Bill Lu

Executive Treasurer & Secretary

Dr. Rex Liao

Community Representative

Dr. Kate Saunders

Peripheral Region

Dr. Sophia Dean

Southern Region

Dr. Michael Peebles

Auckland Region

Dr. Rosa Tobin-Stickings

Auckland Region

Dr .Visharn Sathiyakumar

Waikato Region

Dr. Maggie Lin

Auckland Region

Dr. Kerry Appleton

Wellington Region

Dr. James Simpson

Central Region

Dr. Savannah Adams

Canterbury, South Canterbury & West Coast Region

Get in touch with NZRDA

If you have any questions or general enquiries, get in touch with us using the contact details below or the form on this page.

Membership queries: membership@nzrda.org.nz
General & contract queries: ask@nzrda.org.nz

Freephone: 0800 803 993