NZRDA Education Trust Terms & Conditions
Please note to avoid confusion
- Financial assistance from the Trust is discretionary and not an entitlement, and
- A venture cannot be funded outside these objects.
A recipient, having received the Trust’s approval, agrees to use the funds responsibly and not to act in any way that may bring the Trust into disrepute.
Payments can be made to individuals, not-for-profit organisations, or bodies subject to any reasonable and proper conditions as the Trustees may direct.
Payments will be conditional on the project taking place or on the recipient completing any required preliminary steps set by third parties; for example, acceptance on a particular course if that is what is being applied for. The Trustees can however, at their discretion, defer the timing of the payments if need be or approve a second preference course if the first isn’t available.
Financial support will generally be by way of a one-off payment. Should longer-term projects lend themselves to a progress payment arrangement, recipients will need to acknowledge in particular that:
- The Trust’s relationship with the recipient is not intended by the Trust to be that of employer/employee, nor does the recipient intend it to be such.
- The payments from the Trust are stated as gross amounts, exclusive of GST or other tax (if any).
- The recipients are responsible for their own taxes (if any).
Recipients may be required to provide evidence of the funds being used appropriately.
The Trust acknowledges it is collecting personal information about the applicant for the purpose of considering their application. By applying for support from the Trust, successful applicants authorise the Trust and third parties (e.g. NZRDA) to use information and knowledge gained from the support, such as information relating to the results of any research performed, any photos taken, etc, of recipients in promotional material.
It is agreed by the recipients that any breach of these clauses, or any anticipated inevitable breach, may result in all monies received needing to be refunded to the Trust within one month of notification by the Trust. In addition any other costs incurred by the Trust in relation to the grant/support must also be paid to the Trust.
Recipients will be required to acknowledge the terms of the grant/support in writing.
The Trust aims to consider all applications in keeping with the stated objects of the Trust in April and October of each year but are happy to receive applications at any time. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The decisions of the Trust are final. The Trust will not enter into correspondence about the outcomes of a funding decision.