Run Reviews
Learn how to request a run review and explore FAQs below.
A run review determines the salary category an RMO is paid for working a run. They involve all RMOs on the run recording all hours worked for a period of 4-6 weeks to figure out the average weekly hours worked by an RMO.
These hours include all hours you are working, not just those rostered – this includes early handovers (e.g. surgical runs), staying late to see patients/finish jobs, time to write list, put out bloods, PM round/list run etc. As your salary step is an average of hours worked over the run, some weeks may be over this number of hours, but some should be under. View your salary step and salaries in clause 8.2 of your collective agreement.
If you believe the number of hours you are working is more than the category in your run description, please find below how to initiate a run review.
Clause 12 (pages 18-20) of your collective agreement.
A run review is a procedure conducted over a minimum 4-week to a maximum 6-week period to review any element of a run description. However, a run review is mostly carried out to ensure the salary category for a run accurately reflects the average hours worked on that run.
You need to notify the RMO unit using the form linked here. This has all the detailed instructions on how to initiate the run review. You should also notify the RDA and your local delegate of your planned run review so we can support you as necessary. We can also provide support prior to you initiating the run review if required.
Te Whatu Ora, the NZRDA and RMOs can initiate a run review but no more frequently than once every three months on any particular run. There are certain circumstances for which a review is invoked immediately, such as a change in the number of RMOs on a roster.
The notification from Te Whatu Ora should include the start and finish time for the review, blank timesheets and instructions on how to complete them, and who to give them to. If any of these instructions are unclear, or you have concerns regarding the timing of the review, contact the RDA. A review period must be reflective of normal working conditions (i.e., not a period with predictable lower hours than usual).
Once the timesheets have been submitted, both the NZRDA and Te Whatu Ora have 3 weeks in which to complete their calculations to determine the outcome. If an increase is indicated by the review, the pay shall be backdated to the start of the run (or, if the hours changed because of a change to the run, will be backdated to this time). Where a decrease is warranted the drop in salary category will occur within two pay periods.