MECA FAQ’s – Run Description
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Clause 10 (pages 19 and 20 of the MECA).
Yes, a run description can changed but any alternations must be agreed to by two thirds of the RMOs whom the change affects at the time the change is made.
A run description is the RMO equivalent of a job description. It describes a run and what that run entails. It should include amongst other things:
- the name of the run and position title eg. surgical registrar, medical house officer
- employing DHB (and this must be a single DHB not an “entity” consisting of more than one DHB)
- the duration of the run
- clinical duties and responsibilities including all clinics, theatre sessions, consultant and registrar ward rounds, pathology and radiology review sessions, grand round and other timetabled responsibilities
- training or non-training position or if the position is recognized by New Zealand Medical Council for 1st year registration
- training and education provisions such as teaching sessions, tutorials, and journal clubs
- expected average hours of work broken down as follows: A) basic 40 hours; B) Roster hours over 40 including call-backs for rostered ward rounds; C) Unrostered hours
You should be provided with a copy (or a link to a copy) prior to commencing the run. The NZRDA does keep run descriptions but it pays to get a copy from the DHB and if you are not provided with one ask for it.