Compliance with Schedule 10
The table below shows, at a glance, the status of DHB compliance with Schedule 10 of the MECA.
DHB | Progress |
Auckland | 50% |
Bay of Plenty | 100% |
Canterbury | 80% |
Capital & Coast | 95% |
Counties Manukau | 50% |
Hawke’s Bay | 90% |
Hutt Valley | 100% |
Lakes | 100% |
MidCentral | 100% |
Nelson Marlborough | 100% |
Northland | 100% |
South Canterbury | 100% |
Southern | 70% |
Tairawhiti | 100% |
Taranaki | 100% |
Waikato | 50% |
Wairarapa | 100% |
Waitamata | 50% |
West Coast | 100% |
Whanganui | 50% |