NZRDA Education Trust
Financial support for RMO training and education
The NZRDA Education Trust provides financial support for the furtherance and protection of the education or training of RMOs in all aspects of medical practice in NZ.
The objectives of the Trust are:
The relevant training/education undertaken must meet one or more of the objects of the trust which include:
- The provision of financial assistance towards the establishment and conduct of training seminars and conferences for RMOs.
- The provision of financial assistance towards the production of newsletters, brochures, training manuals whether printed or digital, and other training materials and aids for RMOs.
- The creation and funding of scholarships, bursaries, grants or prizes awarded to RMOs engaged in the medical profession in NZ to assist the further education and training of those persons within NZ.
- The education of, and provision of information to, the medical profession and/or the general public in NZ regarding matters and issues of relevance to the education or training of RMOs in NZ.
- Please check “How Do I Apply” section overleaf for key terms and conditions.
Applications will be considered by the Trust at the end of February, April, June, August, and October of each year. Please submit your application as soon as possible, and be aware that the timeline for the processing of applications may take anywhere up to three months for a decision to be made.
Read the terms and conditions.
Download the NZRDA Education Trust application form.
Please submit your application along with an up to date copy of your CV to