Overview: What is the Change Management Process?
As part of the recent MECA settlement, a new change management process has been developed. This process provides for engagement and consultation along the way, for NZRDA involvement and representation (and importantly from you) for final decision making.
You can find the new Change Management Process under Schedule 9, Part B (page 75) in your MECA, but in a nutshell:
- Step 1 – The DHB comes up with a change they want to make.
- Step 2 – The DHB forwards the proposal to the NZRDA.
- Step 3 – We go back to the DHB and ask for any additional information necessary from the DHB including who the RMOs are that will be affected by the change.
- Step 4 – At this point if you are one of those who are going to be affected by the change then you will probably be contacted by a local delegate. If this does not happen, please let us know so we can arrange it.
- Step 5 – The delegate will meet with you and your colleagues and go through the proposal with you to seek your feedback.
- Step 6 – The delegates then give your feedback to the NZRDA, we turn it into a response and this response is forwarded to the DHB.
- This process must be completed within three weeks.
- Step 7 – The DHB then incorporates your feedback into the proposal either as an amendment or addendum to the original proposal.
- Step 8 – The proposal is sent out to all affected RMOs.
List of Considerations
These are the factors or concerns that must be considered or “respected” by the DHB when creating a proposal. There are some considerations that are specific to the type of change and others that apply to all change proposals. You can find these considerations here and they can be useful to refer to when you are considering a proposal and putting forward your feedback.
If a concern is raised in response to a change, the DHB must respect and address the concern. The requirement to respect and address a concern applies throughout the entire change management process so if something crops up along the way don’t hesitate to raise it.
What Happens When “The Proposal” Has Been Sent?
- Step 1 – The Proposal is sent to all affected RMOs – bearing in mind this is those RMOs who are affected when the change is implemented.
- Step 2 – If required, the DHB must organise a meeting for the NZRDA to meet with the affected members. This must happen within two weeks of the proposal being sent out.
- Step 3 – Two weeks to four weeks after the Proposal has been sent out, a meeting is held with you, the NZRDA and the DHB attending. At this meeting, the DHBs present the proposal, and the NZRDA and you get to respond.
- Step 4 – It may be that as a result of the meeting, the Proposal then changes. If it changes significantly then there has to be further consultation.
- Step 5 – You vote on the change. 2/3 (or specified number which can be found here) of those RMOs who vote must agree for the change to be implemented.
Crucial Things to Remember – How Will the Process Actually Work?
- You have rights! You are entitled to meet, engage and discuss with other members and delegates.
- We must provide a response within the allotted timelines.
- Meetings will be held where you get to voice your views.
- A Change Management Register will be live on the RDA website so you can track where a process is at or find out what’s going on at other DHBs.
- You must provide feedback, attend meetings and get involved.
- You must vote. Voting is anonymous and done online so you can feel safe to vote however you wish with no pressure or coercion.
Useful Pages in Your MECA
- It applies to clauses 6.6.2, 13.4.3, 13.4.4, 13.6.1 and Schedule 10 – but that’s not all.
- A list of considerations can be found on page 90 and in your MECA.
- An explanation of the voting process is on pages 20 and 76.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.